
Information about the district Alt - Godesberg

City: Bonn | District: Bad Godesberg | District: Alt-Godesberg

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Einwohner:7039 (December 31, 2018)
Postal Code:53173, 53177
Transport connections:to Bad Godesberg (2 min.) and Bonn Hbf. (25 min.)
Cologne / Bonn Airport:30 min (car), public transport: (51 min.)
Kindergartens:Kita mini mice | Municipal kindergarten | xxx
Primary school:no
Main / secondary school:no
Comprehensive schools:no
Gymnasiums:Aloisius College
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Residential area:
In Alt-Godesberg we see both types of living. On the one hand we have a quiet residential area, but on the other hand we also have a busy downtown area.

Alt-Godesberg offers a wide range of shops, cinemas, theaters and restaurants. Among other things, we find that here Playhouse in Bad Godesberg or that too Small theater Bonn Godesberg. Alt-Godesberg offers that for the digital version of the theater cinemapolis.

As you can see on our cover picture, the Godesburg. You can then spend a few quiet and relaxed minutes in the Bad Godesberg spa gardens .
More Attractions: Bad Godesberg Castle Cemetery | Redoutenpark


Some bike paths in Alt-Godesberg