Einwohner:9477 (2018)
Postal Code:53113
Transport connections:600, 601, 602, 603 to Bonn (6 min.) And Bonn Hbf. (6 min.)
Cologne / Bonn Airport:25 min. (Car), public transport: Bus 607, SB60 (38 min.)
Kindergartens:Lilliput daycare center within walking distance
Primary school:Till Eulenspiegel elementary school
Main / secondary school:Freiherr-vom-Stein secondary school
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Residential area:
Probably the most popular (and most expensive) district of Bonn. The largest contiguous Wilhelminian-style district in Germany is located here.

Very good infrastructure, wide range of retail outlets, numerous cafés, restaurants and pubs. Nevertheless, for the most part a very quiet residential area.

A garage or a parking space: the dream of every motorized resident of the south of the city.

Cycle path network in need of improvement