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without brokers

Misappropriation of living space in metropolitan areas Part II - Airbnb, the smart housing broker

Airbnb founder Brian Chesky loves to tell the story over and over again. How he sat in his shared flat in San Francisco after graduating from college, all the hotel rooms in town were fully booked and then came up with a brilliant idea. What if he sublet his room? So the founding myth of Airbnb, the ...

Buyer principle - the other side of the coin

After the then grand coalition had introduced the ordering principle on June 01.06st, 2015, the jubilation among the German tenants' association was initially great, because the amendment, which also introduced the rent brake in metropolitan areas, was intended to generally relieve tenants. The ineffectiveness of the rent brake has been discussed exhaustively in recent years. In conclusion, it can be said that it failed. But…